
How to Save a Webpage as PDF without Cutting Off

Post by
Andrew Pierno
How to Save a Webpage as PDF without Cutting Off

In an earlier post, we showed you how to save a webpage as a PDF without any of those annoying ads. In this post, we’ll flip the script and save a screenshot of an entire page as a PDF without any page breaks or cut-offs.

There are a few reasons why you might want to do this, from getting design inspiration for your own website to checking what your competitors are doing with theirs.

Let’s take a look!

Option A: Save a Webpage as a PDF with Your Browser

When using this method, you’ll see that your browser splits the page into separate pages. This is pretty efficient and only requires you to select Print -> Save as PDF

Unfortunately, you won’t get high-resolution screenshots, and you could lose some information on the page. 

how to save a website as a pdf in google chrome

Option B: Use Browser Extensions to Save a Webpage as PDF

To solve the problem, you could use a browser extension. There are tons of these extensions available for most browsers, including:

  • GoFullPage. This Chrome extension is available in both free and paid versions. It lets you capture an entire web page and save it in a single PDF. 
  • FireShot. This Firefox extension does exactly the same as GoFullPage, but it’s available on Firefox. And, just like GoFullPage, it’s also available as a free and paid version.

Even though these extensions sound relatively straightforward to use, they have a few problems. For instance, you’ll need to navigate to the site you would like to save a screenshot of. This means that if you want to save several web pages from single or multiple sites, you’ll need to go to the page, take a screenshot, go to the next page, take a screenshot, and so on. 

Not exactly efficient, is it?

Option C: Use Dedicated PDF Software to Take Webpage Screenshots

Another option is to use dedicated PDF editing software, like the paid Adobe Acrobat DC Pro. This software makes it easy to convert an entire website into a single PDF. It’s as easy as clicking a button. 

By using the software, you can also add converted pages to an existing PDF file. The drawback of this software is, you guessed it, it can be quite pricey, no matter if you get the standalone version or the Creative Cloud subscription. 

Option D: Use a Screenshot Tool

Luckily, there is a better option! You can use ScreenshotAPI. Our tool lets you take and save screenshots for any purpose and save them in the format you need. 

how to take a screenshot without ads

You can take screenshots programmatically by using your own code, selecting options in our query builder, and customizing the screenshot for your specific use case and requirements.

Ready to take that screenshot? Try ScreenshotAPI for free today!