ScreenshotAPI is an advanced and dynamic solution that allows users to take screenshots of a website programmatically without breaking a sweat. Users can select from several available formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP, or PDF, and this gives them the advantage of suiting their images to their needs. The API is simple and extremely configurable with features such as a full-page image of the screen or a certain file type, adding a custom CSS, or even a geolocation.
To begin, go ahead and register or sign in to the DASHBOARD to obtain your unique API KEY. Use this key by replacing TOKEN with this in the API URL's requests. You can set which url to be captured using the url parameter. The API allows integration through GET and POST methods, which makes it easy to incorporate the API into your existing workflows. If you request a screenshot that has been returned before, and you want to return a current screenshot, please include the fresh=true parameter to shed off the cache.
Other advanced capabilities are the ability to inject JS or CSS into the page, hide some parts of the page, or take scrolling screenshots in WebM, MP4, or GIF videos. The API additionally offers capabilities for taking screenshots in multiple scrolling dimensions and on how to extract HTML or text from webpages. When dealing with PDF outputs, it is possible to set the output to certain pages only.
Handling errors is very simple as it has status codes that are fully informative for handling problems. There is also a Query Builder which lets users play around with the parameters of the API, making it easy to build requests. Code examples can also be found for use by developers in language libraries like Node.js and Python for fast development.
In addition, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team for any support or assistance you may need through email or theHelp Desk. Any user, be it developers, marketers, and businesses ScreenshotAPI is designed with a soothing design yet great functionality.
Code Examples
Below is sample code for the following languages: Node.JS, PHP, Go, Java, Python, and Ruby.
If you need assistance integrating into our API with a given language please contact us.
var fs =require("fs");var request =require("request");
// @param {String} token - String containing your API Key// @param {String} url - Encoded URI string container the URI you're targeting// @param {String} output - String specifying the output format, 'image' or 'json'// @param {String} file_type - String specifying the output typevar token ="Your API Key";var url =encodeURIComponent("");var output ="image";var file_type ="png";
// Construct the query params and URLvar query ="";query +=`?token=${token}&url=${url}&output=${output}&file_type=${file_type}`;
// Call the API and save the screenshotrequest.get({ url: query, encoding:"binary" }, (err, response, body) => { fs.writeFile("screenshot.png", body,"binary", (err) => {if (err) {console.log(err); } else {console.log("The file was saved!"); } }); });
// @param {String} $token - String containing your API Key // @param {String} $url - Encoded URI string container the URI you're targeting // @param {String} output - String specifying the output format, "image" or "json"// @param {String} file_type - String specifying the output type$token ='Your API Key';$url =urlencode('');$output ='image';$file_type ='png';
// Construct the query params and URL$query ="";$query .="?token=$token&url=$url&output=$output&file_type=$file_type";
// Call the API$image =file_get_contents($query);
// Save the screenshotfile_put_contents('./screenshot.png', $image);
packagemainimport ( "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" url2 "net/url" "os")funcmain() { // @param {String} token - String containing your API Key // @param {String} url - Encoded URI string container the URI you're targeting // @param {String} output - String specifying the output format, 'image' or 'json' // @param {String} file_type - String specifying the output type token :="Your API Key" url := url2.QueryEscape("") output :="image" file_type :="png" // Construct the query params and URL query :="" query += fmt.Sprintf("?token=%s&url=%s&output=%s&file_type=%s", token, url, output, file_type) // Call the API resp, err := http.Get(query)if err !=nil{ panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() // Raise error if call was unsucessfullif resp.StatusCode !=200 { errorBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)panic(fmt.Errorf("error while calling api %s", errorBody)) } // Save the screenshot file, err := os.Create("./screenshot.png")if err !=nil {panic(err) } defer file.Close() _, err = io.Copy(file, resp.Body)if err !=nil {panic(err) } }
packagemain;;;;;;publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {try {// @param {String} $token - String containing your API Key // @param {String} $url - Encoded URI string container the URI you're targeting // @param {String} $output - String specifying the output format, 'image' or 'json'// @param {String} file_type - String specifying the output typeString token ="Your API Key";String url =URLEncoder.encode("");String output ="image";String file_type ="png";// Construct the query params and URLString query =""; query +=String.format("?token=%s&url=%s&output=%s&file_type=%s", token, url, output, file_type);URL apiUrl =newURL(query);// Call the API and save the screenshotInputStream inputStream =apiUrl.openStream();OutputStream outputStream =newFileOutputStream("./screenshot.png");inputStream.transferTo(outputStream);inputStream.close();outputStream.close(); } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
import urllib.parseimport urllib.requestimport sslssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context# @param {String} $token - String containing your API Key# @param {String} $url - Encoded URI string container the URI you're targeting # @param {String} $output - String specifying the output format, 'image' or 'json'# @param {String} file_type - String specifying the output typetoken ="Your API Key"url = urllib.parse.quote_plus("")output ="image"file_type ="png"# Construct the query params and URLquery =""query +="?token=%s&url=%s&output=%s&file_type=%s"% (token, url, output, file_type)# Call the APIurllib.request.urlretrieve(query, "./screenshot.png")
require"net/http"require"uri"# Define your API Key, URL, output type, and file typetoken ="Your API key"url =URI.encode("")output ="image"file_type ="png"# Construct the query URLquery =""query +="?token=#{token}&url=#{url}&output=#{output}&file_type=#{file_type}"# Send a GET request to the APIuri =URI.parse(query)response =Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)# Check if the response was successfulif response.code =="200"# Save the screenshot as a binary"screenshot.png","wb") do|file| file.write(response.body)endputs"The file was saved!"elseputs"Error: #{response.code} - #{response.message}"end
/** * Takes a website URL as input and returns a screenshot of the website using the ScreenshotAPI service. * @param{string} websiteUrl - The URL of the website to take a screenshot of. * @return{string} screenshotUrl - The URL of the screenshot image. * @customfunction */asyncfunctionSCREENSHOT(websiteUrl) {constYOUR_API_KEY="XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX"; // Your ScreenshotAPI API key const query = `$ {YOUR_API_KEY}&url=${websiteUrl} &output=image&file_type=png`; // Construct the query params and URLconstoptions= {"method":"get","contentType":"application/json","followRedirects":false }; // The options for the fetch requestconstresponse=awaitUrlFetchApp.fetch(query,options); // Make the fetch request to ScreenshotAPIconstscreenshotUrl=response.getHeaders()["Location"]; // Get the URL of the screenshot from the response headersreturn screenshotUrl; // Return the URL of the screenshot}